To My Sweet Antonia, on Your Second Birthday
Dear Antonia – happy birthday! In a blink of an eye, you are a curious and independent two year old and I’m left wondering how time can go both slow and fast at the same time. This past year you have grown so much. You’ve gone from a baby to a toddler seemingly overnight. Here are a few things I adore about you:
– you are clever…oh so clever. You catch onto things very quickly (maybe too quickly?) and your dad and I are constantly giving each other “the look” wondering how the heck you know what you know
– you are funny…you make us laugh so hard with your humor and giggles. I think you get this from me 🙂
– you know what you want…this isn’t something new. You’ve been this way since the day you were born. It’s still one of my very favorite things about you
– you love your animals…Waffles and Mylo are still your favorite and they continue to be so patient with you and your “love”
– you love your friends…you have two best friends (Miles and Cassian) and you love spending time with them. When they’re not around, you ask about them constantly
– you love your cousins…and you also talk about them all the time. In fact, you woke up the other morning repeating their names over and over again
– you are still a mama’s girl through and through…I love the bond we share. It’s been since day one and I know it’ll last forever. It’s you and me, baby girl
I could go on and on with all of the cool things that make you “you.” But to keep this short and sweet I’ll end with this – you are my absolute pride and joy. Watching you grow this year has been my favorite thing and I can’t wait to see what year three brings us.